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Basic Gospel Piano Basic Gospel Piano

ベストセラーゴスペルピアノ練習用テキスト。基本トライアドから Minor Chord, Diminished Chord, Augmented Chord の説明。ゴスペル音楽によく使われてるベシックコードパタン、カデンツ、スケール(音階)アルペジオの練習。ゴスペルクワイヤで歌う曲と教会の日曜礼拝や礼拝で弾く楽譜もあり、日本で初めての実用ゴスペル教本、日本人のために日本語で書かれています。「ベーシックゴスペルピアノ」では日本のゴスペルの父ラニーラッカーが50年に渡って慣れ親しんだアフリカ系アメリカ人のゴスペル音楽のエッセンスがつまっています。

Basic Gospel Piano Basic Gospel Piano

SKU: O4-7A3F-Y53E
  • Basic Gospel Piano is a book that carefully explains the basics of Gospel Biano as its title suggests. Books on gospel piano are valuable because they are unique in Japanese. However, since it is a basic, those who have already learned the basics of music to some extent may feel that there are many things that they already know. The table of contents is as follows.
    Chapter 1: Code types
    Chapter 2: Code turning
    Chapter 3: Cadenza
    Chapter 4: Circle of fifths
    Chapter 5: Code Patterns
    Chapter 6: Gospel Song
    Chapter 7: For Church Players
    In my case, I had learned how to compose classical music, so I didn't need to change the type of god and chords. Cadenza has a wealth of "Amen Cadenza" that is necessary for church music.
    This book is written for the purpose of practicing on the piano by church musicians. Therefore, many pages are devoted to the score such as scales and chord patterns, and the explanation in words is not enough. Knowledge of the missing part needs to be supplemented with music books such as harmony.

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